'tsl', (adjust port assignment or also remove if standard); //If NO authentication, set connection_class to smtp and remove username/password lines $mysmtpoptions = new SmtpOptions([ 'name' => 'type_your_web_server_FQDN_here', 'host' => 'type_your_smtp_server_FQDN_here', 'port' => 587, 'connection_class' => 'login', 'connection_config' => [ 'ssl' => 'tls', 'username' => 'type_your_smtp_username_here', 'password' => 'type_your_smtp_password_here', ], ]); // Passwords are sent by zendmail. Set $doublepasswordmailing='yes' to send a duplicate by phpmail (recommended). Note: Other data (coming from your html forms) is always sent by zendmail; $doublepasswordmailing='yes'; // $serialmailmethod=0 means serialmails are sent at once. Values above 0 mean "send n mails per call of mailingcron.php". This is necessary if your provider is limiting bulk mail. $serialmailmethod=0; $minimumwaitingbetweenserialmailcroncallinseconds=60; //valid if $serialmailmethod=1 or higher; // Facebook sharing parameters (for the syntax [s:]content to share[:s]); $fbappid=0; // If you don't have a Facebook Application ID, set $fbappid=0 (sharing with $fbappid=0 works, but it even works better if you get a FB App ID); $fbfallbackimg='r/logo/logo_en.jpg'; // The fallback image is used if the content to share does not contain an image. E. g: $fbfallbackimg='r/logo/logo_en.jpg'; (the path must start with r/)! // Automatically downsize large std jpgs during upload in the backend. E. g. $limitjpgsizetobytes=1000000; $resizedlongedgepx=2000; $resamplingquality=70; $limitjpgsizetobytes=1000000; // Recommended: $limitjpgsizetobytes=1000000; to switch downsizing off set $limitjpgsizetobytes=0; $resizedlongedgepx=2000; // Recommended: $resizedlongedgepx=2000; if $resizedlongedgepx is very large and $limitjpgsizetobytes small you will observe a loop in the u5CMS-backend image-upload-dialogue; $resamplingquality=70; // 0-100; recommended: $resamplingquality=70; // How to handle std jpg-images $recalculateonpagejpgs='no'; // 'yes' means on-page-std-jpgs are OTFR (on-the-fly recalculated). Zoomed-out jpgs are always OTFR. $recalculateonpagethumbs='yes'; // idem album thumbnails produced by the syntax [::::::::albumname] $stdimagequality=80; // What quality recalculated jpg-images shall have (0-100), e. g. $stdimagequality=80; $sharptillnfoldmanualzoom=3; // e. g. $sharptillnfoldmanualzoom=3; means that the std on-page jpg-image remains sharp till 3 fold manual zoom (if $recalculateonpagejpgs='yes';)! // How to preload HTML5 video and audio $audiovideopreload='metadata'; //Possible values: $audiovideopreload='none'; $audiovideopreload='metadata'; $audiovideopreload='auto'; chose 'none' if many video/audio files on one page! // When using the :dat-command (http://yuba.ch/dat) with taking sql query pieces (e. g. LIKE, ORDER BY) from GET parameters, set $showdatcommandsqlerrors='no'; for productive environments. $showdatcommandsqlerrors='yes'; // Allow a full WHERE clause in parameter d of the :dat-command (cf. http://yuba.ch/dat) $allowfullwhereasdatparameterd='yes'; // If manually typed (really or seemingly) local paths as (http://youroranysite/)r/filename/filename_languagecode.ext shall be ignored on rename or localize set this option to 'yes'; $ignoremanualfullpaths='no'; // Search engine parameters $doesfindpasswordprotectedcontent = 'yes'; $doesshowpreviewofsuchcontent = 'no'; $doeshideintranetcontenttopublic = 'yes'; $resulttitlemaxlength = 60; $autotitlewholewordsonly = 'yes'; // Allow user upload in forms, e. g. $allowuseruploads = 'yes' (the uploaded files are stored in fileversions/useruploads and are password protected); $allowuseruploads = 'yes'; $revealorigfilenames = 'no'; // Set this to 'no' if you use the uploaded files with the [...:dat] command e. g. for review processes // Allow user Pupload in forms, e. g. $allowuserPuploads = 'yes' (the uploaded files are stored in r/P and are NOT password protected); $allowuserPuploads = 'no'; // Merge multiple
's to

's, e. g. $autocreateparagraphs = 'yes'; $autocreateparagraphs = 'yes'; // Where PHP code shall be executed, e. g. $executephp='onallpages' or $executephp='inarchiveonly' or $executephp='nowhere'; $executephp = 'onallpages'; // FOR WHICH RESTRICTED AREAS Higher Admin Rights SHALL BE REQUIRED. Higher Admin Rights (HIADRI) MAY BE GRANTED IN PIDVESA's A (Account) -> manage backend users $archiveRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $formdataRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $manageintranetmembersRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $cssRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $backupRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $definelanguagesRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $definesizesRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $fileversionsRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $definehomepageRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $definetitelfixumRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $viewtrxlistRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $previewinitscrollRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $viewbackenduserlistRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $invitebackendusersRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $deletebackendusersRqHIADRI = 'yes'; $upgradebackendusersRqHIADRI = 'yes'; // Width of the notes field in formdata2.php e. g. $noteswidth = 333; and number of lines; $noteswidth = 333; $noteslines = 3; // Form data edit parameters $mfwhereclause = 'status=1'; // Define which status is allowed for the function [mf] in forms e. g. $mfwhereclause = 'status=1'; $enableformfieldcheckerforedits = 'no'; // Only if not set to 'yes', the generic formdata editor in the backend can be used; // Fonts used in the backend in textareas, input fields and for special character listings; indicate one ore more remote URL(s) if necessary (e. g. google fonts) as @import string(s). Ending(s): semicolon. $cssremoteurlsifnecessary="@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Arimo:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,cyrillic,latin-ext,vietnamese,greek,greek-ext,cyrillic-ext);"; $cssbackendtextarea="font-family:Consolas,Menlo,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New,monospace,sans-serif;line-height:20px;font-size:12px;"; $cssbackendinput="font-family:'Arimo', sans-serif"; $cssbackendspecialchars="font-family:'Arimo', sans-serif;"; $cssbackendnormaltext="font-family:'Segoe UI', 'Arimo', sans-serif;"; // In the editor, prospective save conflicts can be automatically monitored; set $monitorprospectivesaveconflictseverynseconds=0; to switch off; $monitorprospectivesaveconflictseverynseconds=10; // In the editor's dropdown menu archived pages are hidden by default if the PIDVESA-context is not the archive itself; $hidearchivedpagesindropdown='yes'; // Protocol and address to your site, usually you should not change this line! Change to https:// if your site is https-only or if you force https ($forcehttpsonfrontend='yes'; and $forcehttpsonbackend='yes';)! $scripturi='http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $forcehttpsonfrontend='no'; $forcehttpsonbackend='no'; $evaluateifhttpsisinuse='if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"]!=="off") $httpsisinuse=true;'; // For some providers/servers, the condition (the $_SERVER-variables/their values) have to be different, please consult https://urltoyouru5cmsinstallation/server.php. However, the then-part $httpsnotyetinuse=true; must not be changed! $searchforthisinhttpsurl=''; // Empty if http-requesturi==https-requesturi ($searchforthisinhttpsurl='';). E. g. 'https://www.maarsen.ch' (if you mention the protocol in the search string, it is already https!) $replacewiththisinhttpsurl=''; // Idem. E. g. 'https://secure.maarsen.ch'. The search-replace-parameters are necessary if your provider offers https only as subdomain (as shown in the e.g.'s); // Login configuration $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'yes'; // $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'yes'; is recommended. However, basic auth may be necessary if you offer very large files behind the login (intranet). $sessioncookiehashsalt = '1234'; // Any string. Changing this string cancels all open sessions and forces all users to log-in again; (obsolete if $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'no';) $sticksessiontoip = 'no'; // $sticksessiontoip='yes' forces re-login if ip changes (obsolete if $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'no';) $minutestowaitaftertoomanyloginattempts=7; // Works only if $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'yes'; $allowedloginattemptsbeforepausing=7; // Works only if $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'yes'; ////// ****** ONLY IF YOU SET $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'no', THE BELOW PARAGRAPH IS OF INTEREST ****** // If php is installed as cgi and not as module, http basic auth (i. e. the logins) won't work. Solution: switch this option to 'yes' and activate the file fastcgi.htaccess in the cms's top directory by renaming it to .htaccess (the first character MUST be a period!); // For more info see http://www.besthostratings.com/articles/http-auth-php-cgi.html $autoresolvefastcgiproblems='no'; $basicauthvarname='HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'; // Some servers want $basicauthvarname='REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'; here, consult https://urltoyouru5cmsinstallation/server.php //You may set the realm with this variable (infos see http://yuba.ch/realm): $u5cmsrealm='anystring'; ////// ****** ONLY IF YOU SET $usesessioninsteadofbasicauth = 'no', THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH IS OF INTEREST ****** // What variable for IP control and logging shall be used; consult http://urltoyouru5cmsinstallation/server.php if (key_exists('HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) { $shxofwfL=explode(',',($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_FORWARDED_FOR'].',')); $shxofwfL=trim($shxofwfL[count($shxofwfL)-2]); if(filter_var($shxofwfL, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=$shxofwfL; } // Newly added configuration that were only discussed in the doucmentation $orderingintranetpasswordsisforbidden='no'; $waitsecondsbetweenintranetpworders=600; $u5showlinkofactivelanguageinmetanavi='no'; $oneverysaveupdateindexandhtaccesscostly='no'; // If your config.php is incomplete or messed up, get its initial structure and values at https://yuba.ch/cp // For SAML-Integration see https://yuba.ch/saml // Allowed file extensions for http uploads in the front and the back end are configured in configallowedfileextensions.php