u5CMS — How to update an existing installation before version 4

These update instructions are for u5CMS versions BELOW 4. For versions 4 and above read this!
  1. In your existing u5CMS installation, delete the column crypt (if existing) in the table accounts:
    ALTER TABLE `accounts` DROP `crypt`
  2. Then dump all (with one exception) tables from that u5CMS installation, each one separately. Exception: DO NOT dump the table inserts
  3. Download the ZIP-File , unzip it and delete its files config.php, favicon.ico and its folders r and fileversions (your old config.php will work with the updated installation. If parameters are missing, the system will use default values. However, if you want to complete your config.php, find all existing parameters in this example config.php)
  4. Transfer the remaining files and folders from the ZIP file over the existing installation (FTP upload)
  5. Empty the database of the existing installation (totally, drop (not truncate) every table including inserts!) (phpMyAdmin)
  6. Import u5standard.sql from the ZIP file into the remaining empty database (phpMyAdmin)
  7. Now, surf to this new installation. You should see some example pages

  8. Truncate all tables EXCEPT inserts (do not drop the tables, just truncate them, structure must remain!) (phpMyAdmin)
  9. Import the data from the backuped table resources (only this table, only data, not structure, the structure coming from u5standard.sql must remain!) (phpMyAdmin)
  10. Important: Again, surf to this new installation. You should see now your content (maybe the layout is wrong, that will be fixed later). Why is this step (surfing again to this new installation) important?
    The table resources may contain commands changing the structure of the database; these changes have to be done before importing the remaining tables, otherwise there could be missing/wrong columns.
  11. Afterwards, import the data from each remaining backuped table (only data, not structure, the structure coming from u5standard.sql must remain! DO NOT re-import the table resources, DO NOT import the table inserts) (phpMyAdmin)

  12. Surf to the concerned site. If you do not see the correct layout, enter the u5CMS-backend, go to PIDVESA's S, click the code (html template & css)-button there, open the htmltemplate and safe it (If your backend login does not work after the update, order a new one at http://yoursite/reset.php)
  13. Make sure you have really all of these lines between <!DOCTYPE... and </head> and further <script>if(typeof u5mkmobile==="function")u5mkmobile();</script> just before </body> in your htmltemplate (see PIDVESA's S, code (html template & css), htmltemplate in the u5CMS-backend, DO NOT edit the htmltemplate nor the css-files in the file system of your server!). Notice: There must not be an opening head-Tag (<head>) there!
  14. Make sure there is a record named dat with type s in table resources. If not, execute (phpMyAdmin) these two SQL queries

    DELETE FROM `resources` WHERE name='dat';
    INSERT INTO `resources` ( `name` , `content_d` , `content_e` , `content_f` , `title_d` , `title_e` , `title_f` , `desc_d` , `desc_e` , `desc_f` , `key_d` , `key_e` , `key_f` , `logins` , `hidden` , `operator` , `ip` , `lastmut` , `deleted` , `typ` , `ishomepage` , `search_d` , `search_e` , `search_f` ) VALUES ( 'dat', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '', '', '0', 's', '0', '', '', '' );
These update instructions are not valid for the following u5CMS special editions: rgc, ccms, peer, pretest


Content Management System u5CMS


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