u5CMS Superglobals

renders the admin's e-mail address according to $mymail in config.php.

renders the pagename according to the GET parameter c.
example result for the page at hand: superglobals!info

renders the pagename according to the GET parameter c till and without the last exclamation mark.
example result for the page at hand: superglobals
Since u5CMS 8.1.0, with that you may cross-reference pagenames as foo!form foo!edit foo!list easily as [_pagename!_]!form [_pagename!_]!edit [_pagename!_]!list (no whitespace!). However, this does not work for the SAME_AS-commands shown in the example code. For the SAME_AS-commands it is recommended to point them to a dummy page, which login situation will be inherited then. The endings are updated when you are renaming pages, however, they are not substring-safe, so make them substring-unique (e. g. the endings form edit list pub are substring-unique, the endings over lover dover over2 are not).

renders the language (two letter abbreviation as defined in PIDVESA
PIDVESA: The very right column of your u5CMS backend is your repository. PIDVESA stands for Pages, Images, Documents, Videos, External Links, Special Functions, and Account. Find these things by clicking the respective radios P I D V E S or A in the top right corner of your backend screen.
PIDVESA: The very right column of your u5CMS backend is your repository. PIDVESA stands for Pages, Images, Documents, Videos, External Links, Special Functions, and Account. Find these things by clicking the respective radios P I D V E S or A in the top right corner of your backend screen; cf short reference (pdf)
's S, special functions → define languages).

example result for the page at hand: en

renders your site’s protocol (coming from $scripturi in config.php) and domain
example result for the page at hand: https://yuba.ch/

To build the full URL of a page, write [_myurl_]?c=[_pagename_]&l=[_language_]
example result for the page at hand: https://yuba.ch/?c=superglobals!info&l=en

These superglobals even work within [h:] and [:h].


Content Management System u5CMS


English⇄German Translation Service

